Daily Archives: May 23, 2015

How to cure piles naturally at home

If you are experiencing inflamed veins around your rectum or lower anus, it is a sign of hemorrhoid flare up. External piles lie under the skin around the rectum whereas internal hemorrhoids develop in your anus region.


When left untreated, internal piles might protrude through your anus leading to external piles. External hemorrhoids can be felt with the hands and are typically observed during bathing. Bloody stool or drops of blood found on toilet tissue are a sign of hemorrhaging. When the condition deteriorates, you will feel much discomfort, pain and anal itching in your rectum.

Although there are numerous factors that can possibly trigger hemorrhoids, some of the prevalent causes are found to be excessive straining during bowel activities, pregnancy, chronic irregularity as well as looseness of the bowels. Sitting for extended periods on the toilet bowl seems to have a connection with increased occurrences of hemorrhoids as well.

Most of the over the counter medications are in the form of creams and suppositories. They may act to provide temporary discomfort and itching relief, but it has never been proven to really cure hemorrhoids for good.

Other sufferers may go for conventional medical surgery. With this treatment, many experiences post-surgical discomfort, blood loss and hemorrhaging problems and it may take up to a few weeks for the recovery. During the healing period, you will have to rely on pain reliever to ease the discomfort.

That’s probably the reasons why natural approaches to eliminate hemorrhoids are getting popular as it doesn’t have any side effects and can be easily adopted.

How to cure piles naturally at home?

One of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent hemorrhoids from appearing in the first place is to eat lots of fiber. Include foods that contain high amounts of fiber, including whole-grain bread, leafy green vegetables, oatmeal, and pasta. A diet high in fiber will improve bowel motility, which means you’re less likely to suffer the kind of strain that can cause hemorrhoids.

Gently wipe your hemorrhoids with a clean cloth and massage castor oil on your piles 2 times daily. Massage till the castor oil is fully absorbed by your piles. This will provide relief in the acute pain and burn caused by hemorrhoids.

aloe vera

Aloe vera has been widely used in healing inflammation disorder. The anti-inflammatory and therapeutic impacts of aloe vera bring down the inflammation of piles and it works well for both internal and external hemorrhoids. For external stacks, apply a bit of aloe vera gel on your anus and delicately massage the pile area. This will relieve the burning feeling induced by hemorrhoids. To treat internal hemorrhoids, cut aloe vera leaves in strips and insert the inner pulp of aloe vera into your rectum for 10 minutes.

Witch hazel is an excellent way to treat the discomfort that goes along with hemorrhoids. This astringent shrinks the inflamed tissues, promoting healing and alleviating pain and itching. Either use a cotton ball to apply it for 5-10 minutes, or mix it with a sitz bath.

If there is a chance that you are constipated, you should walk around a bit prior to using the bathroom. You can make the process easier by walking for a few minutes before your trip to the bathroom. If you follow through this, you could advise the trigger of hemorrhoid disorder. Walk as briskly as possible for roughly 10-15 minutes.

A healthy way of life and a healthy diet will be the essential ways to say goodbye to your hemorrhoids nightmare. Routine exercise will certainly help to keep your defecation smooth and lower the possibilities of irregularity.

Pain and Swelling in your ANUS spot?
Most traditional hemorrhoid treatments, such as over the counter creams, ointments and suppositories do not do what they are meant to do, and simply provide relief from the condition, without actually getting rid of it. Fortunately there is an EASY METHOD that cures piles naturally in 48 Hours, already proven by thousands to have eliminated pain & embarrassment for good!

Most piles victims found this disorder, an embarrassing condition and suffer in silence till it gets worse. You should seek natural treatments as soon as possible before it gets out of hand. In fact, hemorrhoids can be easily eliminated in just 48 hours right from HERE!